Sunday, March 1, 2009

Internet Radjio vol. 2

Hello, Friends! Timmy Troubadour comin' atchya... I posted in October about my radio show, North Star Music. I host this show for an hour a week and it is now at a new time. 8PM, Sunday nights I will be hosting this show, devoted to exploring the music of the Midwest, especially Minnesota.

Here's the link: KSTO, St. Olaf College Radio.

New Record Store

Attention lovers of music, and especially lovers of vinyl! Despite the economic recession a new record store is opening up in Northeast Minneapolis. Shuga Records will open it's doors in late May or early June and will carry records and CDs, editioned art, and books among other things.

I've heard some hatin' on the store, but I won't judge until I set foot inside.

New Mike Doughty Video

It's funny. Check it.

"Put It Down"